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4 ways to make yourself irreplaceable at work

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Finding a job can be challenging but keeping it and standing out in your role can be just as or even more difficult. So, what is it that makes someone irreplaceable at work? Below are 4 ways you can become irreplaceable at work and truly excel in your job.

1. Talk to your boss

Actively communicate with your boss on a regular basis to develop and build a good relationship. When you talk with your boss, don’t be afraid to be your own promoter. Managers don’t necessarily know everything their employees are up to, and if you are enhancing your skills or taking on new projects, make sure to let your boss know.

2. Be a team player who goes above and beyond

To be irreplaceable it’s important that you can work well with others, as you not only need to prove yourself to your supervisor, but also to your co-workers.

If your co-workers feel like they can come to you for help and always look to you to lead them on projects, even though you aren’t their supervisor, this says great things about you.

To be this person, offer to help your co-workers when they run into a problem. If you do, not only will they see you as a colleague, but they will also see you as a mentor.

3. Strive to be an expert

Be pro-active and identify the type of expert your company needs. Pay close attention to areas in the company that require improvement or need stronger leadership and begin to build your skills to match these areas.
After developing your skills, position yourself as the go-to person for that area. This will turn you into an even more valuable resource for your employer and make it more difficult to replace you.

4. Upskill & network

Seek opportunities to develop your skills and experience. Take advantage of learning opportunities within your company or ask to get involved in a new type of project that will give you the chance to learn new skills. Attending industry events is another good way to learn new ideas and network with your peers.

Ultimately, to truly be an irreplaceable employee, you need to have an excellent work ethic while also having a positive attitude. If you can master that and be a likeable employee, it’ll be very difficult to replace you.

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