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Who should tech businesses hire: contract vs permanent employees

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​When implementing projects, the decision between hiring contract vs permanent employees is pivotal for businesses aiming to assemble effective teams and meet project goals most efficiently. While contract workers offer flexibility and specialised skills suited for short-term endeavours, permanent employees provide continuity and long-term commitment. Employers must carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each staffing model to ensure their workforce aligns with project needs and organisational goals.

In this guide, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both contract and permanent employers, offering fascinating insight and tips for employers to consider when deciding who to hire for their tech projects. We will also explore which elements of project requirements should be considered when deciding who to employ. 

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Contract Employees

When assessing contract vs. permanent employees, it is essential to consider both advantages and disadvantages. Contract employees possess specialised skills and expertise tailored to meet the immediate needs of technology projects. They are often brought in to address specific technical challenges or to provide niche knowledge that may not be readily available within the existing team. Contract employees typically work on a project-by-project basis. They may be sourced through external agencies or freelancers, providing flexibility in staffing without the long-term commitment associated with permanent employment.

According to a research study, 42% of the technology workforce comprises 1099 independent contract employees or freelancers, and 90% of companies are shifting to a combination of full-time and freelance employees. This figure highlights the increased shift to contract employment due to the huge talent gaps technology employers are currently facing. More and more businesses are beginning to consider contract employees who possess the expertise to drive successful tech projects as and when required.


Now that we have considered the role of contract employees within the technology industry let’s explore the significant benefits of contract jobs:

  • Cost-effective - Unlike permanent employees, hiring contract workers is extremely cost-efficient for your business, as contract employees significantly reduce the ongoing costs associated with permanent jobs, such as continual salaries and paid time off. 

  • Scalability and Flexibility - The contractor onboarding process is typically shorter and less resource-intensive than that of permanent employees. If a business requires a fast project start, hiring contract employees means a quicker time for completion, highlighting the beneficial flexibility of employing contractors depending on how project requirements evolve. This is particularly beneficial in uncertain project timelines and fluctuating workloads.

  • Specialised skills - Recent research suggests that around 70% of UK technology employers face skill shortages within the industry. However, by leveraging contractor talent pools, businesses can gain access to employees with specialised skills and experience required to meet tech project goals. As contract employees remain flexible in working temporarily, employers can onboard professionals who offer new perspectives and insights into the latest industry trends and drive innovation within tech projects.


While hiring contract employees offers several benefits, employers must also consider the potential drawbacks of recruiting for contract jobs:

  • Retention - Contract workers may lack the same level of commitment and loyalty as permanent employees, potentially leading to turnover and disruptions in project continuity. Uncertain work schedules, lack of opportunity for growth and company benefits may also increase talent retention difficulties. 

  • Knowledge transfer and continuity - If a project heavily relies on a contractor's expertise, their exit can result in a significant knowledge gap. This absence may affect the team's ability to sustain or troubleshoot the project in the long term, particularly if knowledge transfer is incomplete.

  • Integration - Integration with contract workers can be challenging as they may not share the same level of investment in the company's long-term goals and culture as permanent employees. This can lead to lower team morale and hinder collaboration, especially in projects requiring close interaction and seamless integration between team members.

  • Management overhead - Managing contractors entails added time and effort, involving task coordination, deadline adherence, and communication between contractors and the internal team, increasing management overhead.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Permanent Employees

Next, in our assessment of contract vs permanent, let’s look at the pros and cons of permanent. Permanent tech workers provide ongoing support and contribute to technology projects' long-term growth and stability. They are integral members of the team, offering specialised skills and expertise that align with the company's objectives and culture. Unlike contractors, permanent tech workers are fully immersed in the organisation's environment, allowing seamless collaboration and knowledge sharing. While contract workers offer flexibility and short-term solutions, permanent employees ensure continuity and deeper integration within the team.

According to research, 83% of executives rate having engaged and motivated employees as the top factor substantially contributing to a business's success. As permanent tech professionals are completely immersed in the company, employers may view hiring workers permanently as more efficient in the long term.


Here are some of the key benefits of hiring permanent employees for tech projects:

  • Loyalty and commitment - Permanent employees often deliver higher-quality work and demonstrate greater loyalty due to benefits packages and opportunities for career advancement within the company. This sense of investment in the company's success leads to a more dedicated workforce. 

  • Project continuity and collaboration - Permanent employees contribute to stronger team continuity and collaboration through consistent work relationships and a deep understanding of the team. This results in enhanced communication and collaboration within the work environment. This stability can potentially offer better collaboration compared to teams with frequent turnover and temporary contractors.

  • Knowledge transfer - Permanent employees develop a deep understanding of the company's systems, processes, and projects in the long term. So, when it's time for a project handover, there's less need for lengthy knowledge transfers, meaning fewer delays and disruptions and a streamlined process.


It is no secret that hiring permanent employees streamlines knowledge transfers and increases the likelihood of loyalty and project continuity. However, hiring workers on a permanent basis can also have negative effects on business and project success: 

  • Increased costs and less flexibility - When considering costs, employers must acknowledge ongoing expenses such as salary, employee benefits and holiday pay for professionals working on a permanent basis. Fixed cost structures limit employers' flexibility in scaling their workforce depending on budgets and project requirements. 

  • Longer onboarding process - The recruitment process for onboarding permanent employees is typically longer than that of contract workers. Permanent hires require more lengthy processes, such as background checks and extensive training. Employers must also ensure candidates are the right fit, as the risks of a bad permanent hire are more substantial than those of contract workers. For example, a bad hire can lead to significant effort, cost and time to reverse drawbacks. 

  • Skill set limitations - As the technology industry constantly evolves, permanent employees may find it difficult to stay abreast of changing technologies, where it is necessary to adapt their skill sets. It is also difficult for employers to gauge who to hire with the skills required for future projects, meaning potential skill gaps are likely in the future.

Contract vs Permanent Employees: Making the Decision:

Businesses often face the choice between hiring permanent employees or onboarding contract workers. This decision significantly impacts project success, team environment and organisational strategies. So, evaluating various factors such as cost-effectiveness, skillset alignment, and specific project requirements is essential. By considering these various factors, businesses can ensure they choose the most suitable employment arrangement to achieve their objectives efficiently and effectively.

Here are some key examples of the most essential project requirements employers should consider when deciding between contract vs permanent employees:

  • Project scope and duration - It is essential to Consider the length of the project. For longer projects that require continuous work in the future, permanent employees would offer more stability and continuity. However, contract workers who are flexible and work on a flexible basis are more suitable for projects with a smaller timeline. 

  • Skill requirements - It is important to Consider the skill requirements needed for tech projects. Permanent employees might be preferable if a project requires an employee with specific expertise committed to long-term development and adaptability to new advancements. However, if employers are looking for specific skills needed over a shorter period, contract workers may be the most efficient option for your business. 

  • Budget - If your business has room for more budget, offering permanent jobs may be more efficient for your business in the long run. However, if your business has limited budget constraints, hiring professionals on a temporary hourly basis can reduce costs significantly.

Key Takeaways: Contract vs Permanent Employees for Tech Projects

The decision between hiring contract workers and permanent employees for tech projects holds significant implications for businesses striving to assemble effective teams and achieve project goals efficiently. 

Ultimately, by carefully evaluating factors, businesses can make informed decisions to ensure their workforce aligns with project needs and organisational objectives. Whether considering the project scope and duration, skill requirements, or budget constraints, understanding these factors empowers businesses to choose the most suitable employment arrangement and maximise their chances of project success.

As businesses seek success in the tech industry, weighing the long-term impact of their hiring decisions becomes essential. While contract workers may offer immediate solutions for specific projects, permanent employees contribute to a company's long-term growth and stability. So, striking a balance between short-term flexibility and long-term commitment is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in the technology space.

Placing and Retaining Tech Talent in Contact and Permanent Jobs

Explore our efficient contract and permanent recruitment solutions customised to fit seamlessly into your talent strategy and business needs. Our dependable recruitment and business solutions service aligns tech talent with the demands of your projects. Our unmatched resources and talent networks enable your organisation to strive towards business success.

Contact our team today to discuss your unique requirements.